Creating maps at scale



Introducing CARTO Builder

With CARTO Builder you can now create and share full exploration and analysis applications without having to write a single line of code.

CARTO Builder - Cloud

Builder is designed to support massive datasets, so you can create rich, dynamic data visualizations directly from your cloud data warehouse.

CARTO Builder — CartoDB Platform Documentation 1.0.0 ...

Builder is the web management component of CARTO. Within Builder you can find all the features available in CARTO. These are some of the most significant tasks ...


CARTO is an open, powerful, and intuitive platform for discovering and predicting the key insights underlying the location data in our world.

CARTO Builder | Location Intelligence Geospatial Software

CARTO Builder allows you to easily create a Web mapping application, without having to install any software or write any code. Analyze data quickly and ...

CARTO and CARTO Builder

CARTO Builder is cloud-based mapping software that does not require knowledge of code. Georectified historical maps may be used as basemaps.

Carto Builder | No-CodeLow-Code Tools

Carto Builder is a powerful platform that allows users to create interactive maps and visualizations easily. With an intuitive interface and a wide range of ...


CARTO 是新一代的雲端地圖引擎方案,專注在地圖的視覺化及製作互動式的地圖,且著重在使用者資料數據的展示及應用。CARTO 的系統精靈具備自動分析、即時製作多款合適互動 ...

CARTO Builder® | Data Mapping Software

Builder®: a web-based data mapping software solution to carry out drag & drop analysis of spatial data on maps. No technical skills needed.

Creating maps at scale: CARTO Builder

CARTO Builder enables you to: Generate Rich Insights: Create dynamic visualizations directly within your cloud data warehouse.


WithCARTOBuilderyoucannowcreateandsharefullexplorationandanalysisapplicationswithouthavingtowriteasinglelineofcode.,Builderisdesignedtosupportmassivedatasets,soyoucancreaterich,dynamicdatavisualizationsdirectlyfromyourclouddatawarehouse.,BuilderisthewebmanagementcomponentofCARTO.WithinBuilderyoucanfindallthefeaturesavailableinCARTO.Thesearesomeofthemostsignificanttasks ...,CARTOisanopen,powerf...
